This past March, five students from the Washington County Career Center Business Professionals of America (BPA) youth organization competed and won the honor of advancing to the National competitive events, in Orlando, Florida, to be held May 10-14.
Those students competing at the National level are:
Broadcast News Production Team – 2nd Place: Quinton Anderson is a senior from Warren in the Graphic Design & Video Production program and he is the son of Jason and Michelle West of Little Hocking; Nathan Lewis is a senior from Warren in the Graphic Design & Video Production program and he is the son of Betsy Boone of Fleming and the grandson of Joan Beardmore of Fleming; Jane Mahan is a senior from Warren in the Graphic Design & Video Production program and she is the daughter of Webster Mahan of Little Hocking and Tonja Mahan of Little Hocking; and Ethan Ritchie is a senior from Warren in the Graphic Design & Video Production program and he is the son of Andy Ritchie of Marietta and Tiffany Swain of Marietta
Fundamental Spreadsheet Applications – 3rd Place: Ryan Hill is a senior from Marietta in the Health Information Technology program and he is the son of Christy Hill of Marietta
(Individual Photo): Ryan Hill
(Group Photo L-R): Quinton Anderson, Ethan Ritchie, Jane Mahan, and Nathan Lewis