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Captial Hill

Social Studies

American Government: 

American Government is a course designed to show students the practical side of our government and how it affects them in their daily lives.  The course will cover the U.S. Constitution, the three branches of government, foreign policy, comparative governments, and economics.  The course will also discuss, but will not be limited to, geography, current events, state and local issues, as well as the rights and responsibilities of being a productive citizen.


Citizens and the Law:

This course is designed to familiarize the student with the structure and operation of the American system of justice. The student will be exposed to the critical issues in justice, be involved in discussions of their impact on American society, and be asked to consider alternative approaches to addressing these issues. In addition, students will also examine the skills requirements plus the major tasks and responsibilities of the service provider in the criminal justice system. The relationship between the justice system and the criminal offender will be examined as well as modern approaches in the control of crime.


American National Government - College Credit:

American National Government (POLS 1020) is a College Credit Plus course offering. Pre-requisites are required to take this course. Students that successfully complete the course will receive 3 semester hours of college credit through Washington State Community College. The American National Government course is designed to be a survey of all aspects of our democratic system. The course places emphasis on the United States Constitution, the framework of the three branches of government, civil rights, civil liberties, domestic and foreign policy. Historical work at the collegiate level requires the student to develop critical reading and essay writing skills. Class participation through discussions, debates, and projects will be required throughout the course.


World Studies:

This course examines world events from 1600 to the present. It explores the impact of the democratic and industrial revolutions, the forces that led to world domination by European powers, the wars that changed empires, the ideas that led to independence movements and the effects of global interdependence. The concepts of historical thinking introduced in earlier grades continue to build with students locating and analyzing primary and secondary sources from multiple perspectives to draw conclusions. 




Jeff Ritzman


Bobbi Webb


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