Application Form
This application is for high school sophomores and juniors only. If you are an adult who wishes to enhance your career opportunities, click here to find out more about our Adult Technical Training programs.
When entering any phone number, do not use special symbols, characters, or spaces. Only use numbers.
Please Select Race/Ethnicity: (check all that apply)
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Hawaiian American or other Pacific Islander
Black or African American
Career Technical Program Choices: Please select your first and second choices.
Note selection does not guarantee acceptance in any career technical program.
* Prerequisites for the Pre-Nursing Program Include:
2.5 GPA or Higher
90% Attendance or Higher Unless Otherwise Approved
C or Higher in Algebra I
C or Higher o Biology or Chemistry
Father or Legal Guardian Household Information
Please enter contact information for the student's primary parent/guardian in his/her primary household
Please enter the student's primary physical household address
Please enter the primary household phone number. This is the phone number you wish to use to receive offices calls (attendance, robo-calls, etc)
Mother or Legal Guardian Household Information
Please enter contact information for the student's primary parent/guardian in his/her secondary household
Please enter the student's secondary household mailing address
Please enter the secondary household phone number. This is the phone number you wish to use to receive office calls (attendance, robo-calls, etc)
Permission is granted for my child to attend the Washington County Career Center. I also grant permission for
the home school personnel to transfer all student records, including EOC, ACT, SAT and WorkKeys test results
and multifactored evaluation and current IEP, if applicable to the Career Center staff.
To grant permission for your student to apply both the student and the primary parent or guardian need to check the boxes below and enter their respective initials.
Parent/Guardian Permission
Student Permission
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